Saturday, 28 December 2013

First Sight Love

Lots of people don't believe in "First Sight Love", so are we, we don't believe as well.
But the feelings is magical and it's miracle. We just attracted each other just like that!

Can "First Sight Love" last forever? We don't know, but we appreciated what we having now.

I am going to type down how we started our relationship. It's actually kinda fast. And it's not easy to fall in love that fast. It's unbelievable.

I still remember the day 6th of September 2013, after I celebrated my birthday and my sister's birthday, my friend from Singapore wished to go down to the famous night club in KL city, "Zouk", she's under aged but we gave a try. And it's lucky day for me, 'cause she managed to go in easily without checking her I/C.
When we are in Phuture, Zouk. There're lots of MALE came to us. I remember how tired am I, and from Phuture, I met a guy named ANDY the so called "Pilot to Singapore Airline". Keep talked to me and he request for my number and I don't know why I gave it to him.

After that night, Andy did text me, what's app me always / almost everyday ask me to join him to clubs or pubs. But I didn't really care and never respond to him. Basically I never hang out with him or join him to anywhere but bumped into him when I am in Velvet Underground with my friend, because that time I wanted to do my DJ class homework.

A Saturday, I suppose to accompany my mom and my youngest sister to shopping, but my youngest sister makes me so angry! Until we had a great fight and I ran out to the nearest kopitiam. When I am playing game with my iPad in kopitiam, I received a message from Andy. And Andy came to the kopitiam look for me. I've been told that the day is Andy's birthday. He keep asked me to join him to Karaoke session. And asked me what type of man I liked, he wanted to intro me a single and available loaded boss.

Night I am still went out to PJ with a guy for dinner. After the dinner session I drove to One U Red Box to meet Andy and the so called 'Single and Available Loaded Boss' and also my friend Tasha. When I reached, I saw Andy dressed up nicely and he intro me his friend -- KK. As usual , I will walk to him and shake hand with him, "Carmen" with a smile and KK also respond "KK".. In the karaoke room I can see he is staring at me, keep looking at me. He came and talked to me, asked me what game am I playing with my iPad and also asked me to sing with him. We even played dice game in there, he keep asked me to drink !! Until I am so drunk. After karaoke session, we all went to supper session. I didn't eat anything but only drink a lil bit of soup in Kepong. I sit next to him. Then all of us back home at 430-5am... When we are on the way back home, I asked Andy to create a group chat in what's app. The purpose is I wanted to have KK's number.

The next morning Andy really created a group chat. From there I got KK's number. And I am also got a call from Andy, he invited me to his house for BBQ session. And I got the news from him that KK is coming also. I am so excited, like can't wait for it!! But I recalled that my god sister Jassli has invited me to sis Chloe house for steamboat to celebrate mid autumn festival!! At night 7pm I went to their steamboat session and I am so enjoyed but after that, I am so nervous when I think of can see KK later. And was wondering how he will looks like today.

Finally it's 10pm, I am so excited and thought go to Andy house earlier can see KK the longer time. So I faster rush there. When I reached there, I didn't see KK, even my friend Tasha. So I just wait there in the living hall. Because outside is too smoky for me. So I take out a book from my handbag and read the book. Until 1130pm something, finally KK is here. I am so nervous. I look out from living hall and I can see he is looking at me also. I can feel the warmth on my face. I think my face is really hot. When he comes in, he talked to me, asked me what time I reached and he went to the fridge and take out the watermelon and look for a knife to cut the watermelon. Then I go and see him cut the watermelon.. He keep smiling at me, the feeling is great!

During that time, I keep try to see where is him and wish he will sit next to me, and ya he came and sit on the sofa chit chat with me. Until Tasha and her friend Natalie is here. I think they like KK alot, especially the Natalie. She brought a bottle of red wine and said wanted to drink with KK and Andy. They are so like to stick with KK, actually I am ok with that. And in my mind I actually thought I will walk away and let them make it out together. I saw that Natalie asked for KK's IC, and KK didn't take it out to show her, then she keep beat and pull KK, she even climbed on top of KK and search his pocket, she took out his money that in his pocket and count it, she even shout out loud "WA! U carry that much of cash along with you like this?!" For me, I think she is disgusting. One good thing, I can see when she climbed on top of KK, KK's eyes are on me. Not on her.

After that, Tasha and Natalie keep ask KK and the rest (guys) to go down to Zouk with them! But KK came to me and ask me whether I am joining them, I said No, then he asked me where I want to go, I told him I am lazy to drive, but if he fetch, I can go anywhere with him. KK looks so serious and we decided to go to Genting Highland. Then he go and get his car, when I am in his car, I asked him have he take back his money from Natalie, only he remember. Then we went to Genting Highland. When on the way going, he asked me about my age, I lied to him that I am 26y/o. And he told me that he is 36, but when I asked for his birthday date, I found out he is 38 but not 36 y/o. LOL....

When we reached Genting, only I realized I am wearing shorts. And so cold up there. After I got out from the car, I faster ran into indoor place which is warmer. Then I brought him to KFC, we have a cup of hot milo. Then we leave. And he let me drive his car. Keep ask me to drive, but I am so scared. He insist want me to drive. On the way back home, he actually tells me that he likes me, got feelings towards me. I can see him have feelings toward me. because when we are in the car, I told her about Europe. Paris, etc. He said to me that he wants to bring me there. I said to him it's expensive, but he said it's not..

Then the 3rd day, KK dated me in the afternoon around 3pm. He came to my house and pick me up. Then we go to Pavilion. When in Pavilion, I told him I am looking for a wallet, cuz my wallet got holes. When I walked into Prada boutique, I saw a very nice wallet, it cost RM 2,600.00, he asked me whether I like it or not, he said he wanted to buy for me, but I don't want! End up we bought only skin care products from Pavilion. Also spent few hundred bucks there. Then we went to The Gardens. We walked into LV boutique, that one even more expensive he also said want to buy for me!!! I was like so shock! End up he bought me a handbag and a wallet from Coach boutique. I asked him where he stay, he said bring me there and show me. When on the way, he is so shy to ask me to be his gf, and at the same time I also asked him to promise me few things, only I will be together with him.

1. Always to be honest to me
2. Not to hide a single thing from me
3. If he love me, he have to love my family as well
4. If we fight, have to settle it at the same day
5. All the time cannot hang up my call or ignore my call
6. If anything he feel unsatisfied, must tell me straight forward.

And more...
He promised me and he said no matter what also he will promise me. If next time in the future I figure out more, also can add.. He said he wanted to buy a property and put my name, but I said No to him, cuz I don't think I deserve his assets. I am just a girl friend. Can see from his face he think it's weird that I rejected him like that. We did something that night and he also intercourse. I was so shocked and asked him what if I got pregnant, he said just deliver and he will marry me take care of me give me good life forever. He will makes me a happiest woman ever.

Well , this is how we started this relationship! On 16th September 2013. A day to be remember.