Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Our Melacca Jonker Walk Experience

Melacca Jonker Walk is quite famous in Malaysia. Especially Saturday night, you'll see there's a very long night market and jam around the place. Tourists or locals also gathered here.

If you like night markets, eat around, shop around, this place is not bad for you to visit. But it's really packed in there.
When we are there, this is the first thing he did, take my picture. 
This street is really old and memorable. The buildings, shop lots, landmark here are full with histories. 
But I don't really know what's the histories because I am not interested in my country's histories. But I am interested in China's histories. 
I think from this pic, you can imagine how crowded is this place. Beside the street, there are two rows of very traditional designed shop lots. In this night market, foods, clothes, households, accessories and etc can be found here. 

These are flower tea. Actually this is the first time I buy flower tea. 
I saw a lot of stalls in Kuala Lumpur, but I just don't feel like buying, but this stall in Melacca, surrounded by a lot of people and seems like they are here to re-fill but not 'try'. So, we gave a try. 

This uncle is making mini otak-otak. I don't know whether it is famous or not but can see the very long queue. So we queue up as well to try this otak-otak out! 
Nice or not I'm not really sure, 'cause it's my dar who the one to try this out.
After otak-otak we actually came to this restaurant to try 'Chao Kuey Teow'.The taste is 'so-so' only.

It's the end of the Melacca Jonker Walk Night Market. You can see this model ship there. It's a memorable land mark of this Melacca Jonker Walk. A lot of tourists will take pic here.
Famous '3-wheel bike' . Never know night time also available. This bike will actually brings you to sight-seeing in that area. If you lazy to walk, you can try this out!!

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